Welcome to the Stutenboerse!
Discover your dream mare for successfull breeding

Kiki Beelitz
Horses are my passion and for over 25 years, I have been behind the camera, producing high quality photos and videos.

Horse TiVi
Our video productions are a commitment to success. Produced and edited with horse sense and knowledge. Image films are just as much a part of Horse TiVi's tasks as sales or event videos.

Computer skills, design and image processing are as much a part of a photographer's job as being creative and having a clear view of what matters. Our service includes photos, videos, photo collages, catalogues, websites and much more.

Stallions of World Quality
From 2014 – 2019, I produced a total of 60 stallion photos for a German calendar about outstanding stallion personalities called “Hengste, die die Welt bewegen”.
calendar photos

Das I-Tüpfelchen: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Grafik-Designerin Nadja Rathjen biete ich die Entwicklung von Logos, die Gestaltung von Anzeigen, Flyern, Prospekten und Magazinen an. Auch Bücher gehören zum Portfolio.